A cool down mixture of all things politics that included a couple of new faces dishing, asking, and answering tough questions one by one. The most vocal person was Beth Reinhard who made it a point to mention diversity, and the best listener was Micheal Fletcher who appeared a little uneasy at the round table, but he was able to loosen up during the Webcast Extra as he unleashed his views on the poverty issue.

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Hearing President Obama's approval rating really made me feel preoccupied with the conversation. Forty-three percent kept ringing in my head, after John Dickerson mentioned it. The thought of a downward spiral when it comes to support from American citizens just didn't sit right with me. All is not lost because of a little dissatisfaction if 28 percent of the people really believe in President Obama's ability.   Next, we have to encourage them to tell all their friends and colleagues why they still love some Obama. The "wrong track" is not a clear way to describe President Obama's effort to deliver a solid plan for our country in his presentation of the American Jobs Act. The President has not derailed his effort to ask for help from Congress, and he sure as Washington is still fighting for support to get workers back in the Job Market.

The American Jobs Act is a proposition he presented to members of Congress for approval because of its potential to move our country toward gradual improvement. It is unrealistic to expect anything that is immediate. What a lot of people seem to forget is that lasting improvements often do not happen with immediate change. A concentrated plan has to progress in steps to show methodical planning that is strategic. Any change that is extremely immediate would only spark a type of shock effect where people are left with their mouths open on some issue or another. That's not what I look forward to seeing. By Congress delaying action, I realize that "the President" is fighting to do things with little cooperation and support from people who have the power to help Americans improve their quality of life. The American Jobs Act might not be the answer to all of the woes facing this great nation, but it will give people hope, independence, and more confidence in governmental leaders. Surely, the American Jobs Act is not a bad idea.

The other hot bottom issue that struck a cord of concern over at Abornewords is poverty. We believe that issue got nailed to the wall for no good reason! The middle class may represent a majority, but many families are living and surviving from rations that fall below the poverty line. Those are the people who work in the trenches to make real contributions to society. That's right the working class members of this society provide service that is needed in a variety of fields across the United States of America. They are and will continue to be the blood of this great country! Kindness and respect are due to that service worker who cashes out your groceries or that waitress who serves you at your favorite cozy cafe. If poverty is the question, then the answer must be the American Jobs Act because it will eventually help some impoverished family improve their quality of life and restore dignity and hope. The main thing is to see any improvement in government, household, or self as a gradual progression toward a better future. If this Webcast was just a tease, go here for the full episode.  This has been a political mouthful. Are you still hungry?