A meeting of the minds on Washington Week changed up from the ties who dominated last weeks sit down to the ladies carrying briefcases and balancing on heels. To hear them go deep (on issues like political strategy and fund raising) while also talking about the highly sensitive issue of the constitutionality of a mandate that requires all employees to purchase healthcare insurance, was enough to inspire dresses everywhere. Their brainy and in charge attitudes are proof that women can hold their own in the workforce, even if they happen to get stuck in an elevator full of corporate ties. Watch Gwen IFill and the other ladies go in with Dan Balz around the table.

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On the full show, clips were shown of Chris Christi and Sarah Palin taking a bow to reconfirm their decision to stay out of the Presidential Race this 2012, but their choice didn't make it any easier for those still seeking election and campaign dollars. Understanding how hard it really is can usher in the cloud of gloom. It's just a sad day in the life of a candidate with a vision and a voice who lacks the financial support needed to gain maximum exposure. As the Panel talked money, political ads, and political terminology, it became clearer than ever before; it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Living life to the fullest means staying in the fight even if you are challenged at every turn. Deal with it! If you think the guy in the purple tie, Dan Balz, is pretty cool read more on why he bares the title Chief.