Good hair is certainly what every woman wants. Don't be fooled or misguided into believing the Good Hair has something to do with soft, textured, permed or straight hair. That is not what Good Hair is, nor are any of those qualities a requirement for achieving great hair.

The key to Good Hair is finding a style that makes you feel like you have it all together. The satisfaction you get from matching the right hairstyle with your facial features and structure. Your stylist does not have to get you to your Good Hair, the choice is yours. The trick is to find a style you can manage and then decide to wear the look often. Here is a picture of my Good Hair.

It's the Mrs. Carter Updo. Styles like this one are great because they are easy to keep up, they last a good period of time, and they are inexpensive to maintain. That's everything Good Hair should be, besides the things shared earlier.

Some of you may be a little apprehensive about wearing these type of braids, if you like to wash your hair often. Don't be! Dry Shampoo can help you to keep your hair and style fresh, until your next Good Hair fix. Here are a few dry shampoo picks you may like.

Dry Shampoo To Help Maintain Fresh Hair
Dry Shampoo To Help Maintain Fresh Hair by abornewordsnkp featuring Oscar Blandi