Okay by now you have probably experienced a little of the Gumball 3000 Fun but some of the Gumball 3000 Drivers are not smiling too big right now. Gumball 3000 may have traveled through your city, entertained you and left their mark but State Troopers In Brevard County gave some drivers a little something extra to take along with them to the far away lands of Europe and Spain.

We can only assume Gumball Drivers were trying to catch up to their friends and this is what happened. Check out the footage below.

There was no specific word on whether or not Eve and her beau Maxamillion were among the drivers ticketed for exceeding interstate speed limits but we did see a gentlemen standing by the wayside that looked a lot like Maxamillion. Eve also posted up this photo and it looked so funny we had to show it to you. (LOL)

Rapper Eve's drinking mentality is even rich. Oh well, those who can do!