Webmaster Nicole Kim Create A Collage For Garcelle Beauvaris' New Movie
Webmaster Nicole Kim Create A Collage For Garcelle Beauvaris' New Movie by abornewordsnkp on Polyvore

Starting over after a failed relationship is hard enough, and the dating scene can seem ancient and ruthless, even when you do decide to move on. Little signs can warn us beforehand as we pursue our happily ever after. Whether we take heed is another story entirely. Still this is the point in the relationship where one of two things can happen. Either a woman can listen to Oprah's voice echoing in their head saying, "the first time someone shows you who they are believe them" or she can turn into Inspector Gadget. It is as simple as that.

Turning into Inspector Gadget means she will investigate the matter herself or enlist some professional help from a private detective. And Then There Was You starring the Actor known as Leon and Garcelle Beauvais, is a common example of why so many women choose to turn into Inspector Gadgets.

Women who throw these breakup parties or so called divorce celebrations, will quickly jump on board with Beauvias, who plays Natalie Gilbert, a woman open to finding new love after a breakup. Natalie may end up questioning her willingness to move on and so will many women watching, as her fairytale seems to quickly turn into a nightmare of the worst kind. Infidelity, deceit, betrayal and secret children children come to the surface in this survivor flick.

Will Garcelle Beauvais show us how her character Natalie can overcome relationship challenges for the better or will she do give up a life that is destined to be her one last chance at true love. You don't have to die with suspense looming! The movie is scheduled for release on February 11th on DVD. Get ready to raid Target shelves to add this one to your collection, right next to Booty Call!

***Oprah repeated Maya Angelo's words on here show many times. Those words actually come from Maya Angelo.