Staying connected to people and things that remind me of what I need to do or what I should be doing is very important to me, especially in the digital space. People who are sharing and connecting on the internet are putting themselves out there and reaching people who are not in their immediate circle and I am proud to be in that number as well, not only sharing and contributing but connecting outside of my hometown and immediate circle. I have been able to change my own life and benefit from what I do online tremendously so I want continue to build on my connections. Kendale Nation share this image in our group and immediately the Anti Inflammatory benefit caught my attention because my legs and ankles often swell because I need to have two leg ablation procedures performed.

Photo Credit: KD Nation

The solar eclipse just happened and the gatherings I saw via news media and Social Networks were as ginormous as the crowds that gather for New Years at the beginning of the year. Seeing the eclipse was something that motivated people and families to band together. Sometimes we need something or someone to motivate us to get things done. That is why we have people like Kendale Nation, he is a true inspiration for those who need a little push and some informative health information and good recipes. Its all about staying connected, being positive and living our best lives. I want that for myself and others as well. That's all Kudos...