My friend Tion dining in Mary Mac's Tea Room in Atlanta (known for Soul Food)
Being a young person who took things like Scott's Emulsion and goose grease and honey and cod liver oil, and also daily vitamins, I can say that I am pretty much convinced that good health requires a combination of things. Seeing your Primary Care Physician periodically is still important so please keep that in mind.
When I read this article about Elizabeth Peyton-Jones, a naturpath, herbalist and author of Cook Yourself Young, I started to think about how the condition of my skin improves when I am making better food choices and eating better. Being more selective does not mean that you have to give up all of your favorite Soul Food Dishes. I know I won't ever follow through on that so I will not commit to doing it. Do not worry Jones doesn't suggest that you do, but she does want us to be more selective about what we put into our bodies. Peyton-Jones believes that food is powerful and that some of us have not realized how much the foods we eat affect us on the inside and out. The 49 year old attributed clear skin, glowing eyes and a body that works well, as manifestations of a good diet.
I learned recently that using your Health Insurance as your Primary Policy and using your spouses as a Secondary Policy can benefit you, if you are hospitalized and that it's not considered to be over insurance. Elizabeth Peyton-Jones learned and shared a few don'ts of over too ___ stating, "the only thing we can do wrong with food is over salt it, over sugar it, over cream it and over cook it" and she highlights some 20 foods that keep our bodies young in her new book.
Of the 20, my favorites are: kale(greens), avocados, tomatoes, radishes, chickpeas, cabbages, and of course sweet potatoes. Read the entire article here.

Tag you're it!