Many of you, engaging in the content here on Abornewords, are aware of my background in Nursing and my interest in health and wellness. I dreamed of becoming a Nurse before I ever became a Licensed Health Agent. The informative content I share here today will create awareness and provide you with resources that will help you grow in your personal life and professional life in the workforce. Check out Cornell University Graduate Professor Kersten, in the video below, as he shares findings on a Scientific Study involving chocolate, BMI and Weightloss.

Professor Kersten offers classes online on The EDX Website. I'm actually registered for a course entitled Nutrition and Macronutrients and Overnutrition. I hope you decide to take advantage of this valuable resource once you finish reading this Blog Entry. Many Healthcare Professionals rave about the benefits of dark chocolate. Watching Professor Kersten share the findings of the study on chocolate really helped me to think about science in a whole new light.

Even if chocolate can boost energy levels, Health Professionals like Kathleen Zelman will probably continue to recommend alternative choices like flavored tea and yogurt for a pick-me-up. One thing is for certain, the foods we consume can produce positive and negative outcomes, as far as health goes. That's all. Kudos...