Friends & Music Meet Competition

Good food is fantastic except when you are overly stuffed. Being full of it is how we will describe the comedy level of the new Musical Comedy called Perfect Pitch. As far as laughs, you could never have too many of them. There is nothing equal to multiples of joy. The trailer gets you in the mood to laugh hard. As you enjoy the fact that it takes you back to classics like Grease and Meatballs, you will surely get a warm feeling for television and theater. Not old enough to be familiar with these movies? Then, check out what you have too look forward too. Here's the cast of Pitch Perfect! Get excited!

Leather Jackets, school pranks, popularity and relationships come to mind. To speak of the harmonious sound of these singing sensations warrants applause beforehand. Their kind of togetherness is far from Sister Act. In laughs their comedic drama will be a close match for some movie lovers. Sister Act had innocence mixed with the reformed dignified behavior of Whoopi. Without that type of performance structure in the cast, the likeness in familiarity is highlighted in the competition aspect. The storyline will win over the audience with the modern soulful sounds like the Church Chior of Fighting Temptations.

On the competition involved, the suspense, of who will make it to the winners circle, is bound to keep you rooting for your favorite singers. Get ready to laugh out loud. Advanced screenings were shown in a few popular markets. Atlanta, San Francisco, and Dallas are among a few cities blessed to watch before opening day on October 5, 2012. Perfect pitch is a movie the will help you to realize the true power of a good laugh. If you are a part of this new Glee Mania Crowd, appreciating how this movie goes down will be easy. Check out the trailer(s)

  Nov 09 OT4U team meeting, Abbotsford, BC