For those of you who didn't venture out into a Movie Theater near you on opening weekend for The Equalizer, it's not to late. Find out what you may be missing by watching the trailer below.

I made good on my promise to see Denzel Washington do his thing in The Equalizer. I almost can not find the words to describe the level of creativity in script and visuals. It's an adrenaline pumping gruesome flick, full of twisted love for the justice system. We all loved to watch how Denzel took Saana Lathan in Out Of Time, as he rode the fence between good and bad cop. The love scenes were steamy and full of vigor. Get that classic!

Gruesomeness outdid whatever love was happening in this film. It was more about the mind and the pursuit of justice (after what seems like an average Joe) takes the law into his own hands. The Equalizer really surprised on all counts and allowed the female characters to be dirty without ever compromising the true intentions of Denzel's purpose to come across as a hero. Mission accomplished!

Did he win me over? Was he able to be Superman and Hancock in the same vein to even further surprise the audience with an upgraded version of Al Pacino's Scarface attituded? Yes, he did, did, did! Watch the trailer above and make it out to the theaters to see this adrenaline pumping gangster flick! Loved it!!!!

Tag you're it!