The Innovation Diamond is being used in new product development to gain a competitive edge and encourage purchases, brand loyalty and engagement. For consumers that means that brands will likely be doing everything they can to not only distinguish products from competitors, going the extra mile in all aspects of customer interaction.

Millennials have been credited with being the influential because they are suppose to spend more than other target market groups. The Febreze Campaign is not defined by age or spending power but instead focuses on providing consumers with technology that makes the campaign so much more.
The Febreze One Campaign....
- Reminds us to be more environmentally conscious
- Encourages us to do whatever we can to participate in creating a healthy environment
- Gives us a fresh fragrance while putting the focus on the packaging (the way it dispenses and how it is contained)
- Introduces us to TerraCycle Technology
what is TerraCycle?
"It’s free. It’s easy. It keeps the environment fresh. TerraCycle offers free recycling programs for items that cannot be recycled curbside. But wait, there’s more: In exchange for empty air care packaging, members receive points. That’s right, points! They can be redeemed for charitable gifts, product bundles, or cash for your favorite school or nonprofit organization. Head over to and sign up today"
Proctor & Gamble's ability to innovate was evident when they released the Tide to Go Instant Stain Remover. The Febreze One Products are helping Proctor & Gamble to show innovation in a world where the idea of going green seems to have just gotten a lot better and certainly fresher. That's all. Kudos....