Baume & Mercier, Watches, and How You Tell Time
What time is it and who are you wearing when you stare down at your wrist? To some it may seem shallow if you choose an expensive brand over more frugal less expensive varieties, but the most important thing is to choose your products because of quality and the way they make you feel. Good energy equals happy feelings. Right now, I can't recall anytime that I have shunned euphoria. Keeping with the idea of an extremely high level of energy, I want to introduce a brand called Baume & Mercier. We have never featured this brand here on Abornewords, but that's about to change. To help get you into this watch maker just a bit more, Here is a picture of someone who knows how to look beautiful when wearing the finer things.

Geneve, ...11: Baume et Mercier event / G. Paltrow
That's right, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Gywneth Paltrow helped to celebrate the Baume & Mercier. The word is that Paltrow was chosen for more than her beauty, and sources are saying that it's because of the symmetry between her professional and personal life with family. Gywneth Paltrow does have the face of a hometown girl, a wife, or even a mother surrounded by that white picket fence that so many seek to identify their American Dream. Describe the beauty using any one of those terms and you are on the right track for association of image with brand. The celebration by the watchmaker(s) took place in Geneva, Switzerland. Oh so icy, but imagine it all unfolding using a Garden Party as the social setting to communicate what is being described as Hampton Values. Here are more photos showing off the brand name and wrist decor that wears high class and fancy. Ching!

GENEVA, SWITZERLAND - ..... Guest attends the Baume & Mercier Gala Evening for 21st SIHH High Jewellry Fair on ....2011 in Geneva, Switzerland. (Photo by The Image Gate/Getty Images)
Hearing about the expensive parties that often take place in the Hamptons is enough to make jaws drop in awe. For Baume & Mercier, it is all about communicating a type of casual, carefree, and high class Hampton lifestyle. What the consumer thinks matters and that's why everything surrounding the Garden Party Event had to effectively express the brands values. What was different about this Garden Party? For starters, 75 tons of sand was used to set the atmosphere for guests. There was also entertainment, and we will tell you about the performers later. Consumers will be able to make a connection to the feelings of a carefree lifestyle and living it up like the rich and famous. If you are feeling like you want to experience the great feelings associated with Baumer & Mercier, but the price tag(s) are out of your range, then think in terms of a temporary fix. What do I mean? Well leasing a Baume & Mercier Watch of course. Steal The Time offers one for lease at only $48 per week.
Leasing is a way to get a piece of the good life without having to make a major investment. Though leasing is only temporary, it can help to put you in touch with all the wonderful feelings associated with the luxury of a Baume & Mercier purchase. Leasing will give you the thrill of ownership, until you can actually buy yourself a piece of the good life.
In : Gifts
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