The stars rolling into the Fi Fi Awards really needed no introduction, we are sure. Today, we will reveal the two big winners of the evening. These well deserving recipients were recognized, awarded, and honored for their successful contributions in their fields. Here they are!

Justin Beiber

Coco Chanel

Justin Bieber received the Elizabeth Taylor Fragrance Celebrity of the Year Award. The Fragrance Foundations decision was based on the fact that so many fans have brought into Justin Bieber Fever, helping the young star to secure his dominance and worldwide appeal. The net profits from the sale of his fragrance went to charity, and female fans loved the fact that the fragrance was created specifically for them. Beiber expressed his winners gratitude and acknowledged his fans in a statement.. He felt honored by the Foundations recognition of his accomplishments.

The influence of Coco Chanel is something that will always have everyone gaping in awe. Fashion, fragrances, and makeup all have the stamp of proven professional.on them. The well recognizable Chanel symbol actually looks like two backward C's overlapping or better yet, horseshoes. How lucky or should we say blessed she is to have been inducted into the Fi Fi Hall of Fame. That single event is said to have been the highlight of the evening. Glorious for both of these amazing individuals. Chanel No 5 we smell your sweet success mixing with the scent of Justin Biebers take over product. Baby Love or Bieber Love? You pick girls!