Teen throb, heart stealer, call him what you want, Justin Bieber is trending right now.He has amassed a following that is so tremendous that he was chosen for the Elizabeth Taylor Fragrance of the Year Award which had only been received by Halle Berry, a year earlier. A growing symbol of what young entertainers aspire to be, Bieber has done something that makes his superstar status seem even more massive. A performance atop a skyscraper in Paris is his latest mission impossible. Take a look at Bieber as he sits down casually to announce the release of the performance footage.

Every month Live@Home chooses another celebrity to grace the stage to give fans what they crave. The performances are recorded and then released so that fans can experience the thrills of a live performance. Live@Home knows how to help fans. That is what makes serves like these so vital to the development of an artist relationship with his fans. Talk Public Relations (PR) or image building, both are positive for Live@Home. The company has only been around one year to date.

Live@Home is an International Organization the first web music program created to allow the worlds best artist to come and play songs in a beautiful house in Paris. The company's goal is to make artist feel at home. Every 3 months Live at home moves to another location.

The Billionaire Boys Club Mogul Pharell Williams has even performed in front of
Live@Home cameras.

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