We told you about how Kimberly Clark (maker of Huggies) is providing an opportunity for women who need help getting their idea off and running. The opportunities are helping women like Loren Levy manifest their ideas into big business. We showed you a couple of pieces from Levy's Magnificient Baby Clothing Line which uses her "Smart Close" Technnology to make dressing babies easier. We were able to get our hands on a photo of what looks like Loren Levy standing inside of a boutique posing in front of a Magnificent Baby Display. Take a look.

The dissplay is colorful, eye catching and nestled strategically in an exclusive Brand Display Area. In retail, it's all about providing customer with attractive displays that are relatable for specific target market groups. Everyone will not be alike and the needs of your clientele will vary. Lifestyle presentation is what will ultimately sell the product. Still, the goal is situate items so that they gain the most attention while encouraging sales. That's why Magnificent Bay Displays are working like a charm to attract highly efficient mothers who want to work and take good care of their families. The products really sell themselves. Click the star
to see how you can dress your baby in about 20 seconds with a Magnificent Baby Outfit.
Loren Levy's idea lauched in 2010 and is marketed nationally in 600 Boutiques and Department Stores. "Smart Close" magnetic fasteners has made Loren Levy a well known name for many appreciative moms. Magnificent Baby Clothing can make dressing your children easier during those earlier stages of development. The clothes are a modern moms must have for a busy lifestyle. There's also still time to get your idea together for the Huggies Mom Inspired Grant Program.