Sisters, Sisters, listen up! There will always be those times when you feel weighed down by life's trails and you may feel as if you need a pick me up, a bit of inspiration to keep you pressing on to that next thing. For many of you the answer may be simple. A vacation, a weekend get away, a night out clubbing, or just a glass of wine (Poet's Leap)

However, there may also be a deeper calling resting on some of your hearts. Something that makes you long to feel closer to God. For those times when there is more of a sense of urgency, some will turn directly to their spirtitual leader, some will fall to their knees, and still there will be others that have a contemporary response. Here are two women who know a lot about God and even more about trodden the path of modernity.

They are all about showing how to stay connected and inspired to live your best life. Through their songbird voices, lifting up high praise seems easy, but their music often reveals a much more difficult journey. One song Shackles (Praise You) comes to mind. It's all about feeling free to do what you want while not being held down. "Everything that could go wrong all went wrong at one time, so much pressure fell on me, I thought I was gon' lose my mind" are the words that ring out in verse and vocals. They sing with such passion. That is so real for many of you out there. In church, the words are not being said exactly like that by leaders who are on their own journey's, but the message is still the same. Providing people with a way to feel hope, a renewal of mind and body, gives them something to believe in. Hoping for a better tomorrow is all some people have, until their turn comes to achieve a level of success. Shackles (Praise You) will never get old for that reason. More than likely, you will be sharing this song with your sons and daughters who have yet to feel the soul of Mary Mary. Shackles (Praise You) is included on Wow Gospel # 1's which has 29 other songs from various Gospel Artist. You can also get it from Walmart at a great price. Click the star   for more details, and see what else is on the "Mary Mary Go Get It" track list.

Many of you will say that music is a contemporary way to find hope in times of struggle. That may be true, but a sense of renewal in any form serves it's purpose one way or the other. God is love _____ Rev Run