Auctions have long been a place to go for deals and steals on antiques, cars, trucks, and almost anything you could possibly imagine. Hot news dropped that a number of Academy Award Statutes had been sold. The first reaction of everyone I mentioned the sale to was one of disbelief. The response was understandable since such a high honor (winning an Oscar) usually makes the recipient want to cheristh and savor the moment by keeping their statute protected and very close. The circumstances surrounding the sale were not revealed. However, we do have the figures for the amount of dough these gold things pulled in. of the 13 or so sold at Auction, the highest tally for a single statute was $588,000. Real cheese right? That's big money for something that once belonged to a Movie Star like our girl Octavia Spencer, who rose to fame after her starring role in The Help. Need a refresher? Here she is holding the gold that she received as recognition for an acting job well done.

She did play that maid role to the tee. Wondering if she sold the gold? No, but her decision to do so would stir up all the deep pocket buyers, at breakneck speed. No such luck though, she is not selling her acclaimed glory. However, we do have a way for you to experience a little of that Octavia Spencer. An easy choice is to indulge in the movie called The Help. Because we want to encourage our readers to be lovers of words, we recommend an option that is becoming more popular in this digital age. Why not get the E-book or another form available for download? It won't cost you a dime, if your city library is in the loop. This new option available for book lovers is called Overdrive. Click the star to see what's up
Begin taking advantage of some of the resources that will help you and your family be well informed. Find many other titles there that may be interested in. Parents, if you or you children are attending school, please remember to use audio books. Believe me, audio books can be a lifesaver, when you have extensive reading material.