A video has surfaced with a report on Rihanna's reaction to the single life with her words being quoted verbatim, according to a trusted source. The singer apparently believes that the single life is not cool. Does she somehow equate going stag with being alone? Rihanna has been in a few relationships, but none have turned out to be long-term for better or worse.

Album Art


Her edgy outfit choices has some calling her a nasty 3 second violation, but her true fans can't seem to get enough of her bad girl stage presence. Rihanna is currently working on her new album called Talk That Talk which was supposed to drop this month according to some sources. As of today, we have no further information concerning the album or the specifics surrounding it. However we do know that Rhianna does not have to worry about being alone when it comes to talent. She is accompanied by lots of it on a compilation album now available. It's been out a while, but it is never to late to enjoy good music. Some of the artist included on this compilation are: Butterfly lover and mommy Mariah Carey, Ne-Yo, Duffy, Killers and more. The choosen mixes and remixes are songs that have graced the charts and blared from the speakers in some of the hottest nightclubs. This is music that you will probably hear on the radio if you are tuned into the stations rocking hit songs. The final track listing for the Just Dance Album is as follows:

1. Pitbull - I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) (More English Extended)
2. Rihanna - Disturbia (Jody den Broeder Remix)
3. Ne-Yo - Mad (Ultimix)
4. The Killers - Human (Armin van Buuren Club Remix)
5. Duffy - Mercy (Hott 22 Vocal Remix )
6. Mariah Carey - Touch My Body (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Club Remix)
7. Kim Sozzi - Feel Your Love (Extended Mix)
8. Anastacia - Absolutely Positively (Moto Blanco Remix)
9. Sharam feat. Kid Cudi - She Came Along (Ecstacy of Club Remix)
10. Kraak and Smaak - Squeeze Me (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
11. Utada - Come Back To Me (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Club Mix)
12. Lionel Richie - Just Go (Mike Rizzo Funk Generation Club)
13. Guru Josh Project - Infinity (Klaas Vocal Mix)
14. Annet Artani - Alive (Jason Nevins Electrotek Club)
15. Alina - When You Leave (Numa Numa) (Basshunter Extended)
16. Basshunter - All I Ever Wanted (DJ Alex Extended Mix)
Go here for the official report of Rihanna's expression concerning the single life.