Animation is not a fly by night idea for Toyota Motor Corporation. The wheels are apparently turning over this new animation pitch because now it seems that Toyota's taking it to the next level by releasing an animated video. Click the star 

The video uses the stills that were featured on this very site to encourage everyone to love a little more while telling a Japanese love story. The craziest and most genius thing is that the cars used in the playful animation are based on real life Toyota Models. The choice to use actual car models is a very creative way to make the Toyota Brand visible every step of the way.

Kichiyoli, a city in Japan, is where the animated story unfolds. The city is a sought after place that is considered to be ideal. In the video, PES (Peace Eco Smile) takes on a persona as an alien character who has fallen to earth. The music helps to create feeling of love, excitement, and well-being at different stages in the clip. The concept for the first episode ("Do for Love" ) is love protects humanity, makes people trust each other, and is the original energy for all. However, the flow of the trailer may make some of you think that the main idea of the story is: love each other, love the environment, and love Toyota Cars.

Even if you don't agree, the Prius is Toyota's environmentally friendly Hybrid Car, and Toyota really just wants everyone to know that the focus should be on people. The story has a clear intent, easily placing the attention on people and love. Let's also not forget to mention that the name (PES) and general ideas surrounding the campaign are the icing on the cake because it says it all. The next theme in the series will celebrate the value of diversity.