Today is a new day and we are always looking for amazing people, products, and services that can change help everyone to live happier and healthier lives. As a representative of Abornewords, I am so thankful that I can bring you this latest post because I myself was so inspired when I say these photos taken by Tru Vision Photography. The photos looked so unique because of this models skin tone, body build, and something else that is total awesome about her physique. We won't keep you guessing  about that something any longer. Take a look for yourselves.

My Portfolio

My Portfolio

I chose to show you this models photographs because I admire what body builders do everyday. I understand the true amount of discipline it takes to look like this model does because I have worked so hard to reshape my body. Progress takes time but it does happen. Her totally toned and fit body really inspires me to keep tabs on the way I look. More importantly, I relate to her because of her body type. It's important to associate with people and things that you can relate to, even if it is indirectly. She inspires me to continue to make improvements using my fitness routine. Kudos for you and your modeling career. You have a bright future ahead of you.