"My Words Have Power"


Shawn Recommends SCORE and a Documentary

by: Nicole Kim Phillips

What you said, is realistic Nicole.  However, asking me to give you a pass sounds like you are already planning to do something that you know I would not approve of.  All I can tell you is, I want us to work out, and I trust your judgement.  Is that good enough?  Whether it is or not, I will agree because nothing we say is written in stone Shawn.  In a relationship, there needs to be flexibility.  Shawn, all I want peace and harmony while you are here with me.  Can we get on the same page please?  I'm starting to feel tired.  There you go again.  That's exactly why you need to see a professional.  Every time the conversation starts to get heavy or you think you will not get what you want, you get tired.  Are you ill or something?  I'm fine.  I just don't want to leave any sparks ignited that will cause tension to explode into a big fight.  Nicole, maybe you should take a nap.  No, I'm okay and I want to spend time with you. I also want you to tell me about your ideas on promoting Handsome Man.  That's your business, but I did take a look at it like you requested.  

Your SEO needs improvement, if anyone is going to find it on the internet.  You should register for SCORE, and sign up for a Mentor. Before you choose a Mentor, watch the webinar by Jennifer Derosa on Search Engine Optimization.  I sent the information to your email.  I guess you were to busy shopping to take a look at it.  Oh, thanks babe.  I just didn't get around to it.  I only went to the Bingo Game to give you time to get some work done.  Yesterday, I read about this Oscar nominated Documentary on a Musician named Bobi Wine. He wants to be elected to represent the people of Uganda.  Nicole, I think you will like it.  We can watch it together.  Keep in mind, it's over 2 hours long.  Are you up to it, or do you need to get that nap in first?  Stop playing, I told you I was fine. As long as, you make sure I have my Crunch 'N Munch Popcorn, I am...

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)