"My Words Have Power"

Then, Now, Forward

by: Nicole Kim Phillips

Peaks and valley's will happen in life, but challenges present an opportunity to tap into the powerful networks built from the personal and professional relationships developed, at various stages in life.  Being in a desert place is an indication of a crossroads or pivotal point, where decision making is critical.  Yes, facing challenges can cause pessimistic attitudes to form.  However, having a positive outlook is the best way to prevent symptoms and conditions like headaches and high blood pressure from affecting day to day interactions.  No matter how my career progresses, I try to keep my eyes open for new opportunities that will help me grow my credentials and skillset.  At Best Buy, I was proud to be a Blue Shirt, serving in the Customer Service Specialist Role.  Offering customers Product Insurance laid the foundation for me to resign and pursue a career in the Insurance Industry.  Becoming an Insurance Agent was a step up to a Desk Job setting within Call Centers.  The benefit of a desk job is not without pitfalls.  The sedentary job will take a toll on the body, if mobility and activity are not maintained.  Though, I was presented with a Fitbit, it took effort to stay motivated and to keep moving.  

Regardless of success or failures, looking back in the rearview mirror is not dwelling on the past, its about assessing progress and finding a way forward..  Jay-Z's lyrics "when my situation ain't improvin, I'm tryna murder everything movin" is not a literal utterance.  It is so much deeper.  I received the message and meaning of these lyrics in a few ways.

  • I may see myself in a situation that is not productive
  • I'm going to see a way forward
  • I'm going to determine what it takes to get there
  • I'm going to be willing to do what it takes to get there
Accepting reality and not burying my head in the sand has gotten me far away from where I started.  

Like bad breath, a lot of things whether personal or professional may seem offensive in life, until a solution is found.  What I know is, I would rather be a part of the solution and not a part ... 

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)