"My Words Have Power"

Curtis Positions Himself Strategically

On the drive home, I could not stop thinking about the sound of Curtis' voice.  There was something  familiar about it and I kept trying to remember where I had heard it.  With a Call Center background, there was a strong possibility I had assisted Curtis on a Customer Service Call.  Oddly enough, the encounter in the Supermarket affected me, and I started searching my short and longterm memory trying to figure out where I knew this guy from, but nothing was clicking.  His voice kept playing in my head.  Shawn wanted to work a few hours uninterrupted.  That meant, I had time to stop by the Community Center for a Bingo Game.  Inside I picked up a few snacks from the refreshment area, grabbed a Body Armour Strawberry Banana Sports Drink, choosing a seat on the far end of one of the long tables, in the Activities Room.  I was early, and able to sit in my favorite spot.

As the room begin to fill, the Director Kelis, grabbed  the microphone, slighty paced the floor and said, "I have an announcement to make.  I will be going on vacation.  While I'm getting some much needed R&R, someone new will be filling in to call the Bingo Games here at the Community Center.  I want all of you, to give Curtis a big, warm welcome by clapping your hands.  Hearing the name Curtis, I felt like some saliva went down the wrong side of my windpipe, and I started coughing.  Before I could look up and focus, I heard that familiar voice again.  It was the guy from the Supermarket who reappeared before me, like a big shadow on concrete.  I was flabbergasted and I wanted to know more about him.  This time he wore a red badge issued by the Community Center Staff to all volunteers.  Curtis was back!  I could not help...

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)