"My Words Have Power"

Clarence goes home

by: Nicole Kim Phillips

At the hospital, Clarence was awaiting Nurse Lagniappe's arrival, after he pressed the call button.  Nurse Lagniappe assured Clarence she was on the way.  Josiah wanted Clarence to be released and he was pleased his friend would finally be going home.  However, he was feeling let down, after his call to Nicole had gone unanswered.  He would not leave a message and risk his voice being left on her recording so he had hung up without leaving a message.  Nurse Lagniappe comes in talking after tapping on the door.  "Okay up and out of here; your stay with us is officially over!  I have your prescription for Lisinopril to help regulate your blood pressure and the Doctor wants you to use your walker as much as you can to maintain your normal activity.  It may be a little awkward walking with a cast on but please do your best.  The Doctor also wants you to make arrangements for Physical Therapy so you will be encouraged to begin your regular routines again.  I have a wheel chair parked outside your door, your walker is in the bathroom and so are the set of crutches you ask me to leave there.  Do you have any questions  said Nurse Lagniappe"?  Yeah, can you refill my water pitcher?  Sure can Nurse Lagniappe replied and she grabbed the water pitcher and left the room.  

Josiah sprang up and handed Clarence a warm towel for his face before going into the hall to get the wheel chair.  Josiah grabbed  the mini duffle bag and helped Clarence into the wheel chair.  Nurse Lagniappe tapped saying, I have your water, can I come in?  Yes, thank you, for taking good care of me.  Don't say your goodbyes to fast, I'll be escorting you downstairs.  Would you like me to push you or carry something?  You can push me.  I'm going home.  Downstairs, once the sliding doors opened and the fresh air hit Clarence's face, he felt like a new person, energized and ready to... 

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)