"My Words Have Power"

Curbside Service and A Conversation

by: Nicole Kim Phillips

Getting  into the car, Clarence requested a stop to the local Supercenter to pick up a cane he ordered before being discharged from the hospital.  Clarence was use to moving about and he wanted to be as mobile as possible, during his recovery.  Though he planned to use his walker, he believed a having a cane on hand would motivate him to move more. Clarence thought about his newly diagnosed high blood pressure condition and the recommendation made by the Doctor for Physical Therapy. 

At the Community Center, I did not know how Tracey and Curtis knew each other.  The only thing I could do was to try and get Tracey's attention.  The vending machine took my money dilemma was all I could think of, so I walked over to the vending machine and pretended to put money into it.  To make it more real, I started pushing the change return button, indicating I was trying to get money back.  After a few bangs on the front of the machine,  I looked behind me, and  Tracey was walking in my direction.  "This darn machine took my quarter.  I refuse to put any more money in it.  Look it is still showing $1.00.  That means its not showing the money I put in already.  Oh, and I already tried the coin return.  Nothing came out, when I pushed on it, I said sounding defeated.  I see you bought our donuts, but you missed the whole game.  Oh, I was detailing some of Transportation Vans for Curtis.  Tracey spoke freely; I drive for him occasionally to supplement my income.  The extra money usually goes toward vacations or my investment portfolio.  The job market...

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)