"My Words Have Power"

Colombian Coffee and a Private Investigator 

by: Nicole Kim Phillips

When I woke up, my nose led me to the kitchen where Shawn was brewing Colombian Coffee.  He was dressed in slacks, a button up and some black, leather loafers. You look handsome.  What do you have planned for today. Working here in my office and following up on a few calls.  Speaking of calls, you never mentioned that Clarence had been hospitalized with a broken ankle.  Shawn you arrived home just before the dinner hour.  By the time we ate dinner and headed upstairs to bed, Clarence was not on my mind.  I was too excited about you being back home, and my brain was not registering any outside noise.  Forgive me for not remembering your business partner and his Urkele clumsiness.  There you go!  Be nice with your thoughts and your words will come out right.  I hear you Shawn, and  I'm always working to try and become a better version of myself.  Sounds good. 

I have a few ideas for promotions for Handsome Man; would you be interested in giving me some feedback and adding your golden touch to a campaign idea?  Working with you is always a fun experience, and any reason to spend more time with you is a good one.  I'm in.  First, I have some shopping to do, I will just have the heavier items delivered like always. Do you want some folded eggs and toast for breakfast?  No thanks.  I'm taking my coffee to my office.  I will send you an email with more details. I want to work for a few hours uninterrupted.  In the office, Shawn kept replaying last nights vomit scene in his head.  Since he is away from home so much, he wonders if Nicole is doing more than trying to build her business and create an online presence.  He decided that calling Clarence is his best move.  At the hospital, Clarence hears his phone ringing and picks ups feeling appreciative for anything distracting him from the patient pity party he keeps throwing himself daily.  Hello.  Clarence, thanks for texting me about your situation. Do you have the contact info., on that Private Investigator, we used to verify property status, for the Apartment Building we were interested in?  He is listed in my contacts.  I will forward his information to you.  Cool; you need to get back on your feet.  I'm working on it. Take care.  Looking at this phone, and waiting for it to signal, with a new text alert, is irritating, Shawn thought.  Reaching in his desk drawer, he grabs a stress ball and starts squeezing it.  Then, he hears the ping noise that sounds like music to his ears.  The name Mason Fate gets his attention immediately, and he remembers... 

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)